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Trial entry instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions for Accurately

Completing the  Entry Form





There are two ways to complete an entry form.
1) Use the BHA website
2) Use the entry attached to the premium.

Completing the Entry Form Using the BHA Website

(Easiest and most accurate method to filling entry form.)


You can create an entry form for the trial using the Barn Hunt Association, LLC, website. This form will automatically populate with you and your dog’s correct information. It will also calculate your entry fees. This feature does not enter you into a trial. It simply creates a customized entry form for you to print and mail or email to the club.

Here is a video tutorial on how to create a mail-in entry form through the Barn Hunt Association website.



















  • Go to; Choose "Register Dog(s)" then "Register."

  • Tap on "Click here to enter the Register!"

  • Login

  • The option "Within: Miles of Zip Code" will appear. Set range; click "Find."

  • Click on the trial you want to enter. Entry forms for this trial can be completed within 7 days of the opening date. If outside of this range, only the opening date will appear. If within this time click on “Create Mail-In Entry Form.”

  • A screen with options for dog(s) to enter and classes appears. Fill in the classes you want to enter. Complete the form by checking the checkboxes that appear at the bottom of the form. Once your entry form is filled, you have two options:



Option 1: Enter the trial electronically by emailing your entry form and paying via PayPal using credit card, debit, or your PayPal account.


Option 2: Enter the trial by regular mail and include a check or money order.





  • Click "Print" (NOT SAVE). Another window opens with the PDF entry form. HOWEVER, DO NOT PRINT THE FORM.

  • On the right sided column or at the top of the form, Choose “Tools > Fill & Sign."

  • Another screen will open. Click on the signature option. Set up your signature unless you have previously done so. This is a one-time set-up and will remain for future signatures. To move the placed signature, click the field to highlight it and then use the arrow keys. To resize or delete the field, use the options in field toolbar.

  • Save this form to your computer.

  • Go to your email server to compose an email. Attach the completed entry form as an attachment and send to the LISTED TRIAL SECRETARY from the Premium. Put "ENTRY" in the subject line.


REMINDER: Your entry is not complete until entry fees are received. To use PayPal go to "Upcoming Events" in the navigation bar and click on the page for the current trial. Use the PayPal buttons on that page. Do not use the option "send money to someone I trust" or "send money to friends and family"unless you are using PayPal funds. We also accept Venmo using




  • Click on “Print” and sign your entry form manually. Mail to the secretary with check or money order. All entries must be postmarked on or before the closing date.

  • Alternatively, you may electronically sign the form before mailing. To electronically sign the form, click "Print." Another window opens with the PDF entry form. HOWEVER, DO NOT PRINT THE FORM.

  • On the right sided column or at the top of the form, Choose “Tools > Fill & Sign” and follow instructions above.

  • Click on “Print.” Mail this form to the Trial Secretary.



Completing the Entry Form Using the Entry Form Attached to the Premium 

The  entry form attached to the premium is fillable. A shaded message bar indicates presence of fillable fields. You must be sure that information EXACTLY MATCHES the information you have filed with the BHA OR YOUR RESULTS FROM THE TRIAL WILL NOT BE RECORDED. Login to your account on the BHA website to be sure information you list matches. Most errors are made by incorrectly matching the dog’s name (even a hyphen or comma will kick your results out), BHA number, height of dog, or not signing the agreement on the entry form.

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